News & Press2018-09-27T15:47:08-05:00

Tuning In With Randy-O

Steely Dane, January 5, Pabst Theater, 144 E Wells St (steelydane .com) Regular readers of this blog know that title is no misprint, but the name of a remarkable musical aggregation from Dane County.  Comprised of nearly two dozen members of other Madison area bands, their label as “the ultimate [...]

January 3rd, 2018|

Dan in real life: Madison’s Steely Dane evokes the sound of Overture-filling Steely Dan

August 14, 2014  •  By Rob Thomas Mention the band Steely Dan to someone, and the reaction is almost visceral. They either love it or hate it. Obviously, lots of Madisonians love the literate, sly rock band behind the hits “Do It Again,” “Peg,” “Rikki Don’t Lose That Number,” enough [...]

October 12th, 2015|

“A supergroup of 20 musicians who play the music of Steely Dan as faithfully as possible.”



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